Showing posts with label skills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skills. Show all posts

DBT Skill: Describing Without Judgment


This skill helps us to temporarily take away the emotional reaction or attachment to the situation at hand so we can shift into Wise Mind and respond from a more rational place.

Here's an example of ordinary describing of a situation:

"He hasn't called me yet because he doesn't care. He's going to end up leaving me, and I'll be all alone. I can't handle this. He's such a jerk for making me wait."

And, here is how we practice the DBT skill of Describing, removing judgment and just stating the facts as best as we understand them. In this case:

  • Fact: He hasn't called me yet.
  • Fact: I don't know what the circumstances are that are involved in him not calling me back or what it means in terms of his intentions.
  • I had the thought: "He doesn't care." It's just a thought. Just because I think it doesn't mean it's true or accurate.
  • I had the thought: "He's going to end up leaving me, and I'll be all alone." This, again, is just a thought. Just because I think it doesn't mean it's true or accurate.
  • I had the thought: "I can't handle this," but a more accurate assessment is "This is incredibly painful. I am emotional. Not all of the facts are in. I can handle this, even though it feels VERY difficult right now."
  • I had the thought: "He's such a jerk for making me wait." This is a judgment. He may be a jerk, but he may not be. Just because I had this thought doesn't make it so. He could be stuck in traffic, his cell phone battery could have died. It could be a number of things.

Do you see the difference? How might you apply the DBT Describing skill to a situation that you are stressing about in your life right now? How might it help you?

Tonight I will mark the Describing and Wise Mind skills on my DBT Diary Card.

Thanks for reading.
More Soon.

DBT: Distracting and Self-Soothing in a Modern World Using Youtube

I had a lovely young lady in her twenties comment on one of my recent posts, asking if there were any "modern" ways to distract and self-soothe (this was in response to my post suggesting making a cup of tea).  While I believe that making and enjoying tea will never go out of style and is a good practice and enjoyment at any age, I understood her question.

We live in an age where, if you have internet access, so many resources are available to help create a healthy distraction or self-soothe us.

A healthy distraction, in DBT terms, is something we choose to engage our mind in entirely, in order to take a much needed break from something that is distressing us -- a problem for which there is nothing more we can do in the present moment. We give ourselves a deserved and needed respite from suffering over the issue.

Self-soothing is when we engage in an activity that soothes us through our senses. Cuddling up with a soft blanket, listening to soft music, and looking at pictures of beautiful art are all examples. If the activity calms you and your nervous system and you feel soothed, you are self-soothing.

One modern way I've found to both distract and self-soothe is to watch tutorial type videos on YouTube -- particularly makeup and baking/cooking videos.  Even if I have absolutely no intention of following through on recreating the makeup look or food that is demonstrated in the video, it can be a great distraction to follow along as the person gives instructions, step by step, and I get to watch something be created from beginning to end. (I must confess, I am often inspired in some way by the videos I watch -- especially the makeup ones, and I end up creating something at some point that is related to what I saw. No harm there!)

Here are some examples of some videos you can watch to distract, organized by subject matters you may be interested in.

Check them out, and see if any of them help you distract or self-soothe. You may end up with a new tool in your self-care toolbox!






When I watch videos like this, I may check off the following skills on my DBT Diary  Card:

  • Effectiveness (doing what works)
  • Distract
  • Self-soothe
  • Improve the Moment

What do you think of using YouTube videos to distract and self-soothe? What other "modern" ways do you practice these skills?

Thanks for reading.
More Soon.