Showing posts with label PTSD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PTSD. Show all posts

DBT: Emergency Skills for an Emotional Crisis

There are times when things get so overwhelming that we have to stop in our tracks and take care of ourselves -- and quickly.  This is a video I made this past summer about this topic.

Are you feeling overwhelmed with too many emotions and upsetting situations happening all at once?  Do you want to come up with a plan to prepare for the next time you might feel this way, so that you do not sabotage your life and the hard work you've been trying to do?

This video is for you.

I hope this was helpful to you and that you feel empowered to prepare yourself to cope.

Thanks for reading and watching.
More Soon.

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911 Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills for When Your Are Triggered
Stop Sabotaging: A 31-Day DBT Challenge to Change Your Life

Self Soothing For Adult Trauma Survivors

Survivors of trauma often experience exhausting and distressing aftereffects, such as nightmares, flashbacks, and mood changes. A DBT skill that can help calm our nervous system when we experience distress is Self-Soothing, and here's a way that it can be practiced:

Imagine you are in the presence of a baby that you love and care for. The baby becomes distressed. He's crying. His face is turning red. He's all tense, scrunched up, and pouting.  What is your first instinct as to how to soothe this baby? Your answer may hold the key to helping yourself the next time you feel distressed.

Although the concept may seem initially strange, you can give yourself the same kind of self-soothing the next time you're in an emotionally charged state, and it can help!

I actually use this technique. When I imagined the baby scenario, for me, I'd hold the baby in my arms and reassure him that he was okay -- that he was safe. I'd rub his back and softly sing to him.

When I am really distressed, I swaddle up in a soft blanket and reassure myself that I am not in any present danger. I may gently rock or hold myself until I begin to feel calmer.

This is a technique to consider the next time you are feeling dysregulated.

Thanks for reading.
More Soon.

You may also enjoy reading:

Self Soothing As An Adult
Autogenics for the Ultimate Self-Soothing & Relaxation
Taking Care of YOU: Why and How To Soothe Your Nervous System
Make Your Own DBT Self-Soothing Kit